Massimo D'Alema: "Ο Renzi είναι άνθρωπος της Μοσάντ"!

Κορυφαίος Ιταλός Πολιτικός, ο Massimo D' Alema, που επί πρωθυπουργίας του ...η Ιταλία συμμετείχε στον βομβαρδισμό της Γιουγκοσλαβίας ...έδειξε τον κλόουν Ιταλό Πρωθυπουργό Renzi ...ως άνθρωπο της Μοσάντ. 

Βέβαια, ο ίδιος o Massimo D'Alema έτρεξε μαζί με άλλους να προσυπογράψει επιστολή-προειδοποίηση του George Soros προς την ηγεσία της Ευρωζώνης ...ως ανησυχούντες Ευρωπαίοι... γιατί κι ο Soros ...αισθάνεται ένας από εμάς... Θέλοντας να αρπάξει ό,τι βρει μπροστά του ...ανησυχεί για την Ευρωπαϊκή Οικονομία... 
Όλοι οι άνθρωποι του Soros ...εδώ:

  1. Asger Aamund (Denmark), President and Chief Executive, A.J. Aamund; Chairman, Bavarian Nordic
  2. Martti Ahtisaari (Finland), Former President
  3. Anders Aslund (Sweden), Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics
  4. Gordon Bajnai (Hungary), Former Prime Minister
  5. Mario Baldassarri (Italy), Member of the Italian Senate
  6. Ulrich Beck (Germany), Professor of Sociology, University of Munich
  7. Peter Bofinger (Germany), Economist; Member of the German Council of Economic Experts
  8. Svetoslav Bojilov (Bulgaria), Founder, Communitas Foundation and President, Venture Equity Bulgaria
  9. Emma Bonino (Italy), Vice-President of the Senate; former European Union Commissioner
  10. Elmar Brok (Germany), Foreign policy spokesman for the European People’s Party Group in the European Parliament
  11. Maria Cattaui (Greece/Switzerland), Former Secretary of International Chamber of Commerce
  12. Daniel Cohn-Bendit (Germany), Member of the European Parliament
  13. Bertrand Collomb (France), Membre de l’Institut de France; Honorary Chairman, Lafarge
  14. Massimo D’Alema (Italy), President, Italianieuropei Foundation; President, Foundation for European Progressive Studies; former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister
  15. Daniel Daianu (Romania), Former Finance Minister
  16. George David (Cyprus/Greece), Chairman of the Board of Directors of Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company
  17. Howard Davies (United Kingdom), Economist
  18. Jean-Luc Dehaene (Belgium), Former Prime Minister; Member of the European Parliament
  19. Ales Debeljak (Slovenia), Professor, University of Ljubljana
  20. Gianfranco Dell’Alba (Italy), Director, Confederation of Italian Industry (Confindustria) – Brussels office
  21. Pavol Demes (Slovakia), Former Foreign Minister; Senior Transatlantic Fellow, German Marshall Fund of the United States (Bratislava)
  22. Kemal Dervis (Turkey), Former Minister of State for Economic Affairs; Vice-President and Director of Global Economy and Development, Brookings Institution
  23. Tibor Dessewffy (Hungary), President, Demos Hungary
  24. Andrew Duff (UK), President of the Union of European Federalists
  25. Hans Eichel (Germany), Former Finance Minister
  26. Joschka Fischer (Germany), Former Foreign Minister and Vice-Chancellor
  27. Timothy Garton Ash (UK), Professor of European Studies, Oxford University
  28. Anthony Giddens (UK), Emeritus Professor, London School of Economics and Political Science
  29. Charles Goodhart (UK), Economist; former member of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee
  30. Heather Grabbe (UK), Executive Director, Open Society Institute – Brussels
  31. Charles Grant (UK), Director, Centre for European Reform
  32. Jean-Marie Guéhenno (France), Director of the Centre on International Conflict Resolution, Columbia University (New York); Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution; former Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations at the UN Operations at the United Nations
  33. Alfred Gusenbauer (Austria), Former Federal Chancellor
  34. Hans Hækkerup (Denmark), Chairman, Defence Commission; former Defence Minister
  35. David Hannay (UK), Member of the House of Lords
  36. Chris Haskins (UK/Ireland), Member of the House of Lords; Chair of the European Movement
  37. Pierre Hassner (France), Emeritus Research Director at Sciences-Po (CERI)
  38. Steven Heinz (Austria), Co-Founder and Co-Chairman, Lansdowne Partners
  39. François Heisbourg (France), Chair of the International Institute for Strategic Studies and Geneva Centre for Security Studies
  40. Diego Hidalgo (Spain), Co-founder of the Spanish newspaper El País; President, FRIDE (Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior, Madrid)
  41. Michiel van Hulten (The Netherlands), Course leader of the FutureLab Europe programme, European Policy Centre, Brussels; former Member of the European Parliament
  42. Jaakko Iloniemi (Finland), Former Executive Director, Crisis Management Initiative; former Ambassador
  43. Wolfgang Ischinger (Germany), Chairman, Munich Security Conference; Global Head of Government Affairs, Allianz
  44. Minna Jarvenpaa (Finland/US), International Advocacy Director, Open Society Foundation
  45. Mary Kaldor (UK), Professor, London School of Economics
  46. Glenys Kinnock (UK), Shadow House of Lords spokesperson on international development
  47. Gerald Knaus (Austria), Chairman of the European Stability Initiative and Carr Center Fellow
  48. Rem Koolhaas (The Netherlands), Architect
  49. Fiorella Kostoris (Italian), Economist
  50. Bernard Kouchner (France), Former Foreign Minister
  51. Ivan Krastev (Bulgaria), Chair of Board, Centre for Liberal Strategies
  52. Armin Laschet (Germany), Former Minister for Integration
  53. Mark Leonard (UK), Director, European Council on Foreign Relations
  54. Gerard Lyons (UK), Chief Economist and Head of Global Research at Standard Chartered
  55. George Magnus (UK), Senior Economic Adviser, UBS Investment Bank
  56. Emma Marcegaglia (Italy), President, Confindustria
  57. Tadeusz Mazowiecki (Poland), Former Prime Minister
  58. Dominique Moisi (France), Senior Adviser, IFRI
  59. Hildegard Müller (Germany), Chairwoman, BDEW (Bundesverband der Energie-und Wasserwirtschaft)
  60. Kalypso Nicolaidis (Greece/France), Professor of International Relations, University of Oxford
  61. Christine Ockrent (Belgium), Chief Executive, Audiovisuel Extérieur de la France
  62. Dick Oosting (The Netherlands), Chief Executive, European Council on Foreign Relations
  63. Mabel van Oranje (The Netherlands), Chief Executive, The Elders
  64. Ana Palacio (Spain), Former Foreign Minister; former Senior Vice-President and General Counsel of the World Bank Group
  65. Jose Pérez Fernandes (Spain), Chairman, Banco de Madrid
  66. Julian Priestly (UK), Former Secretary-General of the European Parliament
  67. Andrew Puddephatt (UK), Director, Global Partners & Associated
  68. Hélène Rey (France), Professor of Economics, London Business School
  69. George Robertson (UK), Former Secretary-General of Nato
  70. Albert Rohan (Austria), Former Secretary-General for Foreign Affairs
  71. Dariusz Rosati (Poland), Former Foreign Minister
  72. Adam D. Rotfeld (Poland), Former Foreign Minister
  73. Olivier Roy (France), Professor, European University Institute (Florence)
  74. Daniel Sachs (Sweden), Chief Executive, Proventus
  75. Marietje Schaake (The Netherlands), Member of the European Parliament
  76. Giuseppe Scognamiglio (Italy), Head of Public Affairs – Executive Vice-President, UniCredit
  77. Narcís Serra (Spain), Chair of CIDOB Foundation; former Vice-President of the Spanish Government
  78. David Simon (UK), Member of the House of Lords; former Chairman of BP
  79. Aleksander Smolar (Poland), Chairman of the Board, Stefan Batory Foundation
  80. Javier Solana (Spain), Former EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy and Secretary-General of the Council of the EU; former Secretary-General of Nato
  81. Pedro Solbes (Spain), Former EU Commissioner and former Minister of Finance
  82. Carlos Solchago (Spain), Former Minister of Economy and Finance; former Chair of the Interim Committee of the International Monetary Fund; Director-Partner, Solchaga Recio & Asociados
  83. George Soros (Hungary/US), Founder and Chairman, Open Society Foundations
  84. Pär Stenbäck (Finland), Former Foreign Minister
  85. Ion Sturza (Romania), President, GreenLight Invest; former Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova
  86. Pawel Swieboda (Poland), President, Demos-Europa, Centre for European Strategy
  87. Loukas Tsoukalis (Greece), Professor, University of Athens and President, ELIAMEP (Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy)
  88. George Vassiliou (Cyprus), Former President
  89. Guy Verhofstadt (Belgium), Member of the European Parliament; leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Group; former Prime Minister
  90. Vaira Vike-Freiberga (Latvia), Former President
  91. David Vines (UK), Professor of Economics, Oxford University
  92. António Vitorino (Portugal), Lawyer; former European Commissioner
  93. Norbert Walter (Germany), Former Chief Economist, Deutsche Bank
  94. Stephen Wall (UK), Former British Permanent Representative to the European Union
  95. Carlos Alonso Zaldívar (Spain), Ambassador of Spain to Brazil
  96. Stelios Zavvos (Greece), Chief Executive, Zeus Capital Managers

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